Seskion Simulyzer RT

Hardware and software

Simulyzer RT

Like the other products of the Simulyzer family, Simulyzer Rack Technology (RT) enables the acquisition, archiving and simulation of sensor communication. In addition to the standard version, Seskion also offers modified versions as well as advanced hardware and software solutions for special measurement requirements.

  • Interpretation of vehicle behavior
  • Sensor technology for limit ranges

  • Simulation of measurement situations
Simulyzer RT System

All chassis offered are realized in a 19” system, the plug-in cards are designed as cards in 160x100mm format (EuropeanFormat). In addition to our specially developed CPU card, we also provide our PWR-ANA card, which provides supply voltages and measures the sensor currents in the event of increased power requirements. For sensor interfaces, PSI5, SPI, SENT, DIO and CAN plug-in cards are also available:

Simulyzer RT

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