Master data window description


Column Description
No Automatic generated, serial number of the position of the single commands. The number is used for the entry of the Loop-Adress to define the starting point of the loop definition.
Delay Delay time in [µsec] of the command. Represents the waiting time until the next command execution.
Value Data value of the command in hexadecimal format. The commands are sensor specified and have to be gotten from the sensor data sheet of the manufacturer.
Bitcount Width of the data command in bit.
CS State of the 4 CS lines and therefore presents the selection of the desired sensor to which the command have to be sent. The commands can only be sent if the lines have the according state.
Example: 0xFE (0x - signification of the hexadecimal value) FE Change of the edge from 1111 to 1110.State of the lines CE3 to CE0, that means the first CS line is activated and therefore the first sensor is activated.
Further values:
FC = 2.sensor is activated (CE1) because 1101 (2. line is on GND
FA = 3. sensor is activated (CE2) because 1011 (3. line is on GND
F7 = 4.sensor is activated (CE3) because 0111 (4. line is on GND.
Comment Free editable, textual description field for a clear representation of the command sequence.

Input fields

Loop Address Position of the starting point of the loop definition. During the loop the command sequence of the measurement command is defined. Before that, the sequence will run only one time.
Buttons and option fields
Add Add an empty command line at the end of the command list.
Delete Deletes a marked command line. The mark is done by clicking on the desired line.
Insert Insert a new command line above the marked command line.
If the option field
Copy Data is activated, the marked line will be copied and insert.
If the option field Copy Data is deactivated, an empty line will be insert.
Copy data Activation = Copies a marked line with the command Insert.
Deactivation = Insert an empty line with the command Insert.
Save Saves the master data command list as a txt-file.
Load Load a saved master data command list, which is saved as an txt-file.



