
Home > Simulation of the ECU (Master) > Definition of the ECU mode parameter > Definition of the connected sensor signal > Parameter of a sensor signal > Assignment of the signal

Assignment of the signal

Signals are assigned by the assignment of the according CS line (parameter CS_Number), and identified within the sensor by the parameter Decoder_Mask and Decoder_Value.


CS line: Bit decoded selection: Input value parameter CS_Number:
CS0 0001 1
CS1 0010 2
CS2 0100 4
CS3 1000 8




Overview of the example:

Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Parameter CS_Number
of sensors1 (CS0) and
sensor 2 (CS1)
Decoder Mask
Which bits are used for the command.
Decoder Value
Which data values are used for the command.
x signal   0 0xff00 0x1500
Y-signal   0 0xff00 0x1c00
  z-signal 1 0xff00 0x2500
  temperature signal 1 0xff00 0x4900