Communication Sensor-ECU

Each connected sensor is able to send one or more signals to the ECU in a defined timeslot.


The communication from sensor to the control unit ECU is realized by current modulation.

Thereby a "logical 1" is represented by a falling edge and a "logical 0" is represented as a rising edge.

For data transmission the manchester code is used.


The sensor data are sent periodically to the ECU.

Between two data packages a time gap occurs, which has to be longer than the bit transmission time.




Each data package includes n data bits, consist of:


Framing of the data package:

The data package is divided in the following data sections:



The length of a data package results from:

by parity error detection:

n=k+3 (minimal 13 and maximal 31 bits)


by CRC error detection:

n=k+5  (minimal 15 and maximal 33 bits).


Detailed description of Simulyzer settings.